Alex Hillman PodcastCoworking

Alex Hillman Podcasts Episode 45: Adapting Culture and Space

Alex Hillman talked to Raechel French, a K-12 educational space planner.  She gave her insight into the collaborative process she uses to design innovative schools which can be applied to coworking. Humans and the environment have a symbiotic relationship.  Raechel focuses on how the architecture impacts teaching and learning.   Goal Her goal is to transform every square foot of a school into a space for learning.  This really breaks beyond the four walls. There is a huge shift towards…

Alex Hillman PodcastCoworking

Alex Hillman Podcasts Episode 36: Coworking and College

Alex Hillman answered a listener’s question about coworking and college. Could coworking be an alternative to going to college? Alex is a college dropout himself.  He believes college is not for everyone.  There are other ways to get the learning experience that people go to college to attain. People who learn through application can greatly benefit by working in a coworking space.  There is a lot of value in college students getting involved with coworking spaces before graduation.  The network…

Alex Hillman PodcastCoworking

Alex Hillman Podcasts Episode 35: Music

In a Q&A session, Alex Hillman answered a question about music in the workplace. What music is on your ultimate coworking playlist? Everyone has their personal preference as to how much and what kind of ambience is present in their work environment.  However, having some music playing in the background is typically better than having none at all. It avoids any kind of silence that needs to be broken.  The little background music can make more people comfortable to interact…

Alex Hillman PodcastCoworking

Alex Hillman Podcasts Episode 34: Community and Trust

Alex Hillman talked to Pilar, an expert in the virtual world with an interest in people and their interactions. Community There is a difference between people who want to be around one another versus those who want space.  Just because you are not in the building, does not mean you are not part of the community. People can be an active part of the community even when they are not in the room.  They do not have to disassociate when…

Alex Hillman PodcastConferenceCoworking

Alex Hillman Podcasts Episode 33: People at Work Summit

Adam Teterus and Sam Abrams reflect on the People at Work Summit, an experiment in hosting a conference on the internet. Accessibility It is important that attendees are comfortable enough with one another to upgrade the level of dialogue.  We learn the most from people who are different from us. To maximize the learning, you want your event to be as accessible as possible. Additionally, not everyone knows what coworking is.  Indy Hall did not want to make the conference…