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Jamie Hodari talking about securing investors unding at GCUC 2018

GCUC 2018 – Day 2 – Funding

On day 2 of GCUC Jamie Hodari, CEO and Cofounder of Industrious, talked about how to secure investor funding. About Industrious Industrious was launched when Jamie was running a hybrid, half online and half offline university network in East Africa.  He reported having done five fundraising rounds totaling $150 million. Industrious now has locations in 25 locations. Five Steps to Raising Capital When trying to find capital, there are five basic steps.  The first step is to determine if you…

Participants at Day 2 at the GCUC 2018

GCUC 2018 – Day 2 – Attract New Members

On Day 2 of GCUC, participants broke into groups to discuss tactics they have used to attract new members. Businesses The group recommended one on ones with business owners first.  If you solidify a relationship with them, they become a sales person because they tell others about what you are doing.  When pursuing these types of relationships, it is more beneficial when you can share your passions. It is hard to blow off personal stories. During the recruitment process, create…

Aminul Islam at an event of Hubdhaka

Md. Aminul Islam – “Coworking is a beautiful concept”

Let’s get to know another coworker. Md. Aminul Islam is the CEO of Shahin’s Help Line. It is a consultancy firm that specializes in Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and SME entrepreneurs. They provide legal documentation services to new and established startups and entrepreneurs. They even offer free consultations via phone, Shahin’s Help Line website, Facebook, and face-to-face. How the story began Mr. Aminul started the company back in 2011 while sustaining a job in the corporate sector. In October 2015, he…

Md. Anisar Rahman at Hubdhaka

Md. Anisar Rahman: Coworking – A means to achieve your goals

“You will never find time for anything. If you want time, you must make it,” said Charles Buxton, a writer and member of Parliament. The quote is most suitable for Md. Ansar Rahman, CEO of VineTECH. He had always hoped to be an entrepreneur, but Mr. Anisar found himself working at Tressa Electronics, playing the role of Deputy General Manager of their software division. Mr. Anisar had not given up on his ambitions, nor was he procrastinating; while efficiently fulfilling…

Vito Christaldi conducting a workshop at CUAsia’ 18

Events: Animating Your Space – Vitto Christaldi – CUAsia’18 Coworking Academy

Vitto Christaldi, the Head of Learning and Experience at HUBUD, conducted a workshop titled Events: Animating Your Space, at CUAsia’ 18 Coworking Academy. Before his current designation, he was the first events manager (or self-proclaimed events maestro) at Hubud. He created all the events that are happening in their coworking space; such as networking events, skillshare, think tank, and much more including bigger events like CUASia. According to him, when organizing an event you should ask yourself four questions - what,…