Alex Hillman answered a question from one of the members at Indy Hall. How do you balance socialization and productivity? Idea that productive work and social time are at completely opposite sides of the spectrum is part of the problem. This question illustrates a certain mindset of separation. However, work can now happen anywhere. There has been a shift in responsibility onto the individual worker. It is their responsibility to choose the best setting to work in for the kind…
Tag: productivity

Cities-as-a-Service – Greg Lindsay – GCUC USA’17 Day 1
The first day of Global Coworking Unconference Conference - GCUC USA 2017 began with a session conducted by, Greg Lindsay. He is a member of the NewCities Foundation and a contributing writer for Fast Company. He is also the co-author of Aerotropolis: The Way We’ll Live Next. The session was titled Cities-as-a-Service. He discussed the details of how countless opportunities could be created from cities if utilized correctly. Few years ago, Greg toured the city of London with Peter Wynne…