Atiqur Rahman’s career began as a theme developer for Nokia Ovi store, which was followed by a job in the SEO sector. However, he soon realized his passion was elsewhere; in 2013 he decided to pursue his real passion, graphic designing. From then on he became a full time freelance graphic designer. Currently, he works in different online marketplaces, where he designs brand identity, app icon, flyer, brochure, etc. During a successful interview session with Atiqur, we were able to…
Tag: Freelancer
Cities-as-a-Service – Greg Lindsay – GCUC USA’17 Day 1
The first day of Global Coworking Unconference Conference - GCUC USA 2017 began with a session conducted by, Greg Lindsay. He is a member of the NewCities Foundation and a contributing writer for Fast Company. He is also the co-author of Aerotropolis: The Way We’ll Live Next. The session was titled Cities-as-a-Service. He discussed the details of how countless opportunities could be created from cities if utilized correctly. Few years ago, Greg toured the city of London with Peter Wynne…