Alex Hillman at CUAsia '18 giving an idea about how to scale the space

Scaling Your Space: A Different Approach – Alex Hillman – CUAsia’ 18 Academy

“What if I told you, that no matter how many members you have in your space, you could double that number and still have more members?” questioned Alex Hillman, the Founder of Indy Hall, one of the longest running coworking space. That was how he started his presentation at CUAsia’ 18 Academy, giving the audience an idea as to what topic he was covering, which was  how to scale your space. Through the talk, he shared how Indy Hall scaled beyond…

Loshini Selvarajah teaching about digital marketing at CUAsia '18 Academy.

Digital Marketing Tools & Techniques – Loshini Selvarajah – CUAsia’18 Academy

Loshini Selvarajah from held a crash course on digital marketing at CUAsia 2018 Academy. The workshop aimed to teach coworking space managers to use digital tools and technology to learn about online behavior and to be able to use the findings to serve their community better. As a coworking space manager, there are various online marketing tactics you can use online to increase your conversion and grow your market, starting with a website which will give you a primary digital presence.…

Atiqur Rahman working at Hubdhaka
BangladeshCoworking SpaceFreelancerHubdhakaMembers Stories

Atiqur Rahman’s Journey into Coworking

Atiqur Rahman’s career began as a theme developer for Nokia Ovi store, which was followed by a job in the SEO sector. However, he soon realized his passion was elsewhere; in 2013 he decided to pursue his real passion, graphic designing. From then on he became a full time freelance graphic designer. Currently, he works in different online marketplaces, where he designs brand identity, app icon, flyer, brochure, etc. During a successful interview session with Atiqur, we were able to…

Jowynne Khor conducted a wokshop on how to start building PR at CUAsia 2018

Tips to Build Public Relationships – Jowynne Khor – CUAsia’18

Can’t figure out how to go about forming public relationships? Jowynne Khor, Chief Operating Officer of e27, conducted a workshop and shared tips on how to start building public relationship (PR), at CUAsia 2018. Before joining e27, Asia’s largest Tech media platform; she used to work at MaGIC, where she lead the team to build the coworking space in Malaysia. Her insights would be helpful to those playing the role of a coworking space operator, or incubator, or accelerator, and even a…

Alex Hillman conducting a workshop on Building an Amazing Team Culture

Building an Amazing Team (Culture) – Alex Hillman – Day 1 of CUASia’18

Alex Hillman -  the Founder of Indy Hall and who is also the creator and lead instructor of the Community Builder Masterclass, an intense course that teaches community leaders, managers, and corporations how to build a cohesive and robust culture. He conducted a workshop on ‘Building an Amazing Team (Culture)’ at the Day 1 of CUAsia 2018. The session aimed to inspire the audience to try something a little bit different from what we see every day, when it comes…