Online Marketing and Branding an interesting session at GCUC USA’17

Online Marketing & Branding (on a budget)- GCUC USA’17 Unconference

Among the several interesting unconferences taking place at GCUC USA’17, a session was held on Online Marketing and Branding. Through spontaneous conversations, the members present shared different ideas, problems, and solutions in relevance to the chosen topic.

Content Marketing

It is a strategic process, requiring one to focus on addressing three questions – who is the target audience, what do they need and how can you help them. Being precise and consistent about the viewership type will encourage people to treat your content as a resource instead of just posts. Also, including a call-to-action in such posts is crucial to facilitate audience engagement with your space. Google Map optimization is an excellent way to track which of these contents are bringing people to the coworking space.

Preserving Quality of Content

To create materials of high quality on a regular basis, one can brainstorm ideas and pull out the best ones to put on the calendar. This way, s/he can always know which post is getting published when for the next few weeks. For writing an article or a blog post, the author can split the steps into four to five days and then fit each step into their schedule. Another solution would be to keep one or more specific days of the week just to write. This way, s/he can maintain the quality of the article without getting overwhelmed with deadlines and lack of time.

Keeping up with the times!

Aside from written content, videos and images can also play a significant role in this era of digitalization. Nowadays, people browsing the net has a much shorter attention span. Therefore, a one-minute video or a photo on social media with 2-3 lines’ caption will draw more audience compared to a 3-minute read. But while posting these visual media, make sure that their title and description contain the keywords. Otherwise, Google will not find them, making it difficult to spread the word as it should.

You can also interview the members individually, followed by posting the videos on Youtube or a similar platform. This approach showcases the existing members of your space, and also includes the videos you upload in the search results when someone is looking up your space.

Recycling Old Content

Editing and updating an old hit blog post can make it relevant again. Re-enter it in Google’s index. Using the right hashtags in social media can also make a difference in your reach of audience.

Go to the Press

Publications like Forbes and Business Insider are always looking for good stories. If your space or any of your members are doing something interesting; contact a journalist who writes similar stories. They will do the rest for you.

Reaching your audience

For countries like Bangladesh where coworking is a relatively new concept. Gmail ads are comparatively more useful than Facebook ads. That is because they scan through the emails and help you figure out what people are reading at a much lower price. Installing Facebook Wifi at your space and giving it out to the masses for free, can automatically bring in a lot of activity on your Facebook page. YAMM is another excellent tool which lets you send hundreds of customized emails a day by integrating spreadsheets and Gmail.

At the end

In conclusion, it was a noteworthy session imparting the audience with several new ideas, tricks, and tools to make their contents more productive and enriched at the same time.

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