Alex Hillman PodcastCoworking

Alex Hillman Podcasts Episode 26: Socialization and Productivity

Alex Hillman answered a question from one of the members at Indy Hall. How do you balance socialization and productivity? Idea that productive work and social time are at completely opposite sides of the spectrum is part of the problem.  This question illustrates a certain mindset of separation. However, work can now happen anywhere. There has been a shift  in responsibility onto the individual worker. It is their responsibility to choose the best setting to work in for the kind…

Alex Hillman PodcastCoworking

Alex Hillman Podcasts Episode 25: The Stack 2

Vanessa Gennarelli talked to Alex Hillman for a new edition of "The Stack." Health Operators spend a lot of time looking after other people that they forget to look after themselves.  They tend to give everything they can to the community. However, there needs to be limits and boundaries to what lengths you will go for it. Alex decided to reinvent his lifestyle in terms of health with exercise routine and a better diet.  After embarking on his new routine,…


Alex Hillman Podcasts Episode 24: Starting a Space

Trevor Twining of Cowork Niagara talked to Alex Hillman about what it looks like when a coworking space is getting started. Getting Started Trevor went to a cafe downtown and spoke to the owner about bringing people in.  This was an important step for him because it established a long term relationship with the cafe and helped form the core of the community.  With the permission of the cafe owner, the had somewhere to meet. They started by meet once…

Alex Hillman PodcastCoworking

Alex Hillman Podcasts Episode 23: Team

Very few people talk about how hard it can be to succeed as a team in a coworking space.  Alex Hillman opened discussion on this topic with Amanda and Christine from Lantern Fish Press. People-Focused Project Amanda and Christine have been really focused on putting the other people involved with their projects first.  Their project was the kind of thing that was started because they loved doing it. Since they took so much pride in what they were doing, they…