Liz Elam welcomed everyone at GCUC 2018 event.

GCUC 2018 – Day 1 – Welcome

There were three themes at GCUC 2018.  Liz Elam, GCUC Executive Producer and Founder of Link Coworking laid them out.   Three Main Themes for GCUC 2018 Health is your most valuable asset.  However, health is different from healthcare.  In the United States, we often associate health with disease prevention.  What we mean by health is that we need to be addressing wellness, both mental and environmental in our spaces.  We currently have a loneliness epidemic circling the world. The…

Nick Clark at GCUC USA 17 Camp Session

Finance – Nick Clark – GCUC USA’17 CAMP Session

CAMP GCUC is a unique experience GCUC offers every year. It aims to give the new enthusiasts coming into the coworking sphere a one-day crash course covering four major areas of the business – finance, design, community, and technology. It has been a vital force behind the rise of many new creators in the past years. GCUC USA’17 CAMP started with Liz Elam – the Executive Producer of GCUC and Link Coworking – giving a brief idea about how coworking…