Vito Christaldi conducting a workshop at CUAsia’ 18

Events: Animating Your Space – Vitto Christaldi – CUAsia’18 Coworking Academy

Vitto Christaldi, the Head of Learning and Experience at HUBUD, conducted a workshop titled Events: Animating Your Space, at CUAsia’ 18 Coworking Academy. Before his current designation, he was the first events manager (or self-proclaimed events maestro) at Hubud. He created all the events that are happening in their coworking space; such as networking events, skillshare, think tank, and much more including bigger events like CUASia. According to him, when organizing an event you should ask yourself four questions - what,…

Michael Kim from Google giving presentation on Google for Entrepreneurs
Chiang MaiCUASIA2017EventsICYMIThailandunconference

CUAsia-February 2017-Chiang Mai, Thailand-Michael Kim: Google for Entrpreneurs

Christopher Thompson, the director of Hubud, introduced the speaker, Michael Kim from Google at the Unconference in CUAsia 2017. He started the presentation with an introduction of their group, Google for Entrepreneurs (GFE). The Google for Entrepreneurs network is a group of well class, techies, accelerators, and educational providers. It provides high-quality programming and international network. Michael’s role in the group is to lead APAC partnerships for GFE. Google is a giant startup, and to the core of their company,…