Michelle Woo taking How to approach scaling in CUAsia 2017
ConferenceCoworking SpaceCUASIA2017EventsICYMIThailand

CUAsia -February 2017-Chiang Mai, Thailand- Michelle Woo: How to approach scaling?

Michelle Woo, the general manager at Hub Singapore, spoke in a session in CUAsia 2017 where she addressed the question - How to approach scaling? Every coworking space is at a different stage and has different needs; since her topic was on the scale, she shared tips on how it can grow from really early stage pioneer companies to high growth, and to see if they can get established. Hub Singapore has 12 Hubs in Asia and 86 Hubs around…

Mike LaRosa founder of Coworkaholic is taking the sesion on Sponsorships & Partnerships

CUAsia Thailand 2017: Sponsorships & Partnerships

Mike LaRosa, the founder of Coworkaholic, shared tips on how to secure sponsorships and partnerships without selling your space’s soul, in CUAsia 2017. Sponsorship is a unique type of advertising marketing campaign. It could be an opportunity for your space as it could minimize hard costs of product and services, or you could just get some hard cash. The experiences he accumulated as a prior seller of sponsorships revealed four criteria for a successful sponsorship. The sponsor needs some degree…

Mr. Sombat Ngamschlermsak taking desing your coworking space session in CUAsia 2017
ConferenceCoworking SpaceCUASIA2017EventsICYMIThailand

CUAsia Thailand 2017: Design your Coworking space

How would you go about designing a coworking space? With so many ideas out there, Mr. Sombat Ngamschlermsak , an interior designer from Bangkok has decided to shed some light into the design aspects of coworking, with the insights he gathered through his journey from a corporate world to a startup business. Mr. Sombat operates two spaces in Bangkok,  Paperspace, and KliqueDesk. He has been working in work-class design for the last seventeen years; his career started in a company…

The co-owner of Hubud was the host of coworking academy

CUAsia Thailand 2017 – Coworking Academy

Steve Monroe, the host of coworking academy, welcomed everyone to the CUAsia (Coworking Unconference Asia) 2017 with an introduction to its origin. He co-owns and operates a coworking space in Bali, called Hubud; they launched the first CUAsia in 2014, and its purpose was to act as a meetup place for other Indonesian coworking spaces. The number of attendees at CUAsia continued to increase exponentially over the following years, and it began to attract members outside of Bali, such as…

Arun Patro giving speech in CUAsia Thailand 2017

CUAsia Thailand 2017: Real estate tricks

Arun Patro from 91Springboard talked about the do’s and don'ts of signing lease agreements for coworking spaces in CUAsia 2017. Real estate is an integral part of coworking, and Arun was kind enough to share some tips on how to set up a coworking hub efficiently. Those who endeavor to develop a coworking space, usually start off with leasing the space. You don’t want to sink in too much money before you get your coworking space up and running. To…