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Alex Hillman conducting a workshop on Building an Amazing Team Culture

Building an Amazing Team (Culture) – Alex Hillman – Day 1 of CUASia’18

Alex Hillman -  the Founder of Indy Hall and who is also the creator and lead instructor of the Community Builder Masterclass, an intense course that teaches community leaders, managers, and corporations how to build a cohesive and robust culture. He conducted a workshop on ‘Building an Amazing Team (Culture)’ at the Day 1 of CUAsia 2018. The session aimed to inspire the audience to try something a little bit different from what we see every day, when it comes…

Laís de Oliveira at CUAsia '18 Day 1

Community Hacking – Laís de Oliveira – CUAsia’18 Day 1

Laís de Oliveira, the Community Architect at, revealed the elements needed to attract, engage and retain a vibrant community, at the Day 1 of Coworking Unconference Asia - CUAsia 2018. The talk she gave was based on the insights she obtained from dozens of interviews, and she is also working on writing a book on the same topic. Oliveira started off by stating the obvious; a community is not only limited to coworking. Even if you are working on…

Ryan Chatterton providing a view of the landscape of technologies at the CUAsia '18

Coworking Tech Essentials – Ryan Chatterton – CUAsia’18 Academy

Ryan Chatterton, Marketing Director of Habu, provided an unbiased view of the landscape of technologies that one might use in a coworking space, at the Coworking Unconference Asia - CUAsia 2018 Academy. He started his career with marketing at ClearLink about seven years ago. Then he moved to San Francisco and worked at PARISOMA as the education and events manager. Ryan started Coworking Insights, a leading publisher of content and information for coworking space managers, teams, and founders, in 2015.…

Ashley Proctor talking about Community at Coworking Unconference Asia

Community – Ashley Proctor – CUAsia’18 Academy

Ashley Proctor, Executive Director of 312 Main,  talked on ‘Community’ at the Coworking Unconference Asia – CUAsia 2018 Academy, taking place at Wawasan Open University in Penang, Malaysia. Before diving into her topic, she made herself more familiar with the audience by sharing her background information.  She has been involved in building collaborative communities since 2003. Her hometown is Toronto, Canada; it is where she built her coworking spaces. Ashley designed and launched the Xpace (2004), Creative Blueprint (2006) and…