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Syed Mohammad Shamael at Hubdhaka

Syed Mohammad Shamael: How he leveraged a Coworking Space

The coworking culture is rapidly emerging in Bangladesh; there is no downside in knowing how people are adapting to it. On that note, Syed Mohammad Shamael, the Founder and Chief Account Strategist at PPC Rockers shared his journey on how he leveraged a coworking space. PPC Rockers provides digital marketing services across Google, Yahoo, and Facebook networks. Their primary focus is the mid-level corporate clients; focusing on United States, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe. They manage multiple online marketing across major…

Alex Hillman conducting a workshop on Building an Amazing Team Culture

Building an Amazing Team (Culture) – Alex Hillman – Day 1 of CUASia’18

Alex Hillman -  the Founder of Indy Hall and who is also the creator and lead instructor of the Community Builder Masterclass, an intense course that teaches community leaders, managers, and corporations how to build a cohesive and robust culture. He conducted a workshop on ‘Building an Amazing Team (Culture)’ at the Day 1 of CUAsia 2018. The session aimed to inspire the audience to try something a little bit different from what we see every day, when it comes…

Coworking bubble and will it burst soon-

Coworking bubble and will it burst soon?

There is a bubble in the coworking industry especially here in the Tier 1 Cities of the United States. You have been warned, and you should be careful before opening a new space or signing on the dotted lines. Some may disagree with me and call me plain old crazy because everyone is in the boom mode. The bubble will not pop tomorrow or in the next six month. Rather I feel that the bubble will pop in the next…