Alex Hillman
Alex Hillman PodcastCoworking

Alex Hillman Podcasts Episode 9: New Hires

Andy Hillman discussed one of the biggest challenges that everyone encounters when trying to expand their team — new hires.  


Andy recalled a time when he was approaching burnout.  This was when he started looking for a new hire. There were many simple, everyday tasks that fell on his shoulders which could easily be fulfilled by someone else.  These small, seemingly inconsequential tasks ended up adding up to a giant chunk of his time.

This is when he hired a new team member who was able to not only replicate what he was doing, but improve it.

New Hires

The best way for new hires to learn and understand their position is by collaborating with the person who currently does it and working alongside them.  This helps add to the process and can potentially better it.

However, this takes a sense of ego-lessness on the part of the person who is looking for the new hire.  It is important to be willing to give their position to someone who may do it better. This requires both sides to listen to each other and actually want to help one another.  Andy has seen the results a new person can deliver have consistently been above expectations. It helps to let them do things their own way and just provide guiding points. Invite other people into the project to achieve maximum results.

This process is not limited to the world of coworking.  It can make a huge difference in the culture of any kind of workplace .


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