Alex Hillman PodcastCoworking

Alex Hillman Podcasts Episode 53: Coworking Compatibility

In a conversation with Adam Teterus, Alex Hillman discussed an article by Alice Dundon , a barista from Berlin.  The article was entitled "Behind the Bar: 5 Ways to Build a Meaningful Network in a Coworking Space." Community Taking interest in people’s lives take a certain degree of curiosity.  There should a genuine give and take between what is exchanged. The different between taking and faking interest is the feeling of comfort one feels.  If someone is taking interest in…

Alex Hillman PodcastCoworking

Alex Hillman Podcasts Episode 52: Slack for Community

Virtual Membership With a virtual memberships, one still feels up to speed about what is happening. Additionally, she is still able to contribute online to discussions.  It is gratifying that local members still know who she is. Even local members she never met in person can recognize her. They see her name and contributions online which is rewarding. The number one downside to virtual memberships is a feeling of disconnection that is common.  They often feel as though the main…

Alex Hillman PodcastCoworking

Alex Hillman Podcasts Episode 51: Taking Your Time

Community and Need to Work There is a difference between people who want to be around one another versus those who want space.  Just because you are not in the building, does not mean you are not part of the community. People can be an active part of the community even when they are not in the room.  They do not have to disassociate when they do not need the space anymore. The way people interact with space is different.…

Alex Hillman PodcastCoworking

Alex Hillman Podcasts Episode 50: Community Engagement

Supporting the Community People can connect with a group of like-minded people, and create with them.  To best support the community as a whole, think about how one person’s idea will impact the whole community.  You should not just be focused on benefitting any one niche within the space. Additionally, older, more veteran members of the theatre help facilitate new members and bring them into the community.  They spread the welcome that they received. Due to the people continuously coming…